4 Diy car maintenance tips in Woodbridge

Every automobile requires regular maintenance. It may sound overwhelming, but it is important if you wanted to prolong its life. A little effort can do towards curbing the repair cost of your vehicle maintenance. Airport Auto Sales Used Car Dealership in Woodbridge, Virginia compiled some fundamental do-it-yourself automobile tricks and car care tips to maintain your used car.

Replace Air Filter in a Right Way

Replacing an air filter once a year is a basic car maintenance activity. While you can pay a car mechanic to replace the air filter themselves, you can replace the air filter by yourself in about 15 minutes. The step-by-step processes are provided below:

Step 1: Find the air filter under the hood of the car located in a rectangular black box with metal clips on its side. You can check the owner’s manual of your car if you failed to locate it as soon as you open the hood.

Step 2: Check out how the air filter should be placed inside after you open the casing. Bear in mind that there is a specific way on how the filter should be placed.

Step 3: Replace the old filter with a new one. Make sure that you place the new filter exactly how the old filter.

Step 4: Close the metal clops when you already replaced the air filter.

Not only do you extend the longevity of the air filter, but you also save money by doing the job by yourself.

Changing Windshield Wipers

For the windshield wiper of your used car, you need to replace them after about half a year or a year of use. While you can replace it by yourself, most car dealership says that wiper blade set-up differs quite a bit from one vehicle to another; hence, you need to follow the steps following what is mentioned in your owner’s manual. The process is pretty similar to changing an air filter:

Step 1: Lift the blade as if you are washing the windshield by hand. Then, remove the old blades.

Step 2: Look carefully at how the old blades connect to the metal arm.

Step 3: You will see a tab on the underside of the windshield wiper. Gently push the tab to remove the old blade.

Step 4: After removing the old blade, attach the new bade. Be extra careful and avoid the wiper’s arm from bending or scratching the windshield. Secure everything and check if the new one is properly secured and shut tightly.

Replacing Spark Plugs

Usually, spark plugs need to be replaced after about 30,000 miles. Always rely on the owner’s manual for specific instructions. Changing spark plugs is a pretty simple process; even it might sound like intense work. You need time and patience to do the job. Be mindful of the correct order on how to install them.

Step 1: Locate the spark plug. They are usually attached to thick rubbery wires. You can find either four to eight plugs, depending on the number of cylinders your used car has.

Step 2: Remove the wire on the first spark plug only. Bear in mind that you don’t remove all the wires at once, as spark plugs are installed, which is needed to remove in order.

Step 3: To remove the first spark plug, use the spark plug socket and extension on your ratchet.

Step 4: Install the new spark plug by screwing it by hand at first. Then, carefully tighten it with a wrench for a snug fit. It is ideal if you do not over-tighten the spark plug in place.

Step 5: Reattach the spark plug wire in place.

Step 6: Repeat the first to fifth step for each spark plug, one at a time.

Maintaining Battery Life

A good battery condition ensures that your used car will run smoothly and efficiently. A basic virtual check of the battery condition will already tell you when you need to perform the following process.

Step 1: Remove the battery terminals. Always remove the negative cable and use a flathead screwdriver if the cable is stuck to enabling them to lose.

Step 2: Clean the post. Most used car dealership suggests you use professional products from an auto parts store. But feel free to create your cleaner, otherwise.  Most of these solutions are nothing more than water mixed with baking soda. Apply the cleaner generously to the post, and then clean it by stroking a wire brush.

Step 3: Rinse the cleaning fluid thoroughly by splashing an ample amount of water.

Step 4: Wipe the post with clean microfiber rags and allow it to dry.

Step 5: When everything is already set, you can now replace the battery terminals in place.

A dysfunctional battery can be one of the most frustrating vehicle problems. Especially if you have the same battery for a year, check the hood of your used car once every few months and see the battery if it needs maintenance.

Want More DIY Car Maintenance Tips?

These are some fundamental car maintenance tips you can do. There are a lot of do-it-yourself car maintenance tips, and if you want to find out more, don’t hesitate to contact Airport Auto Sales Used Car Dealership in Woodbridge, Virginia today!

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