Every car is immune to the misery of an intense heat interior. Entering a vehicle that has been parked directly in the scorching sun is never a pleasant experience. The heat accumulated in the car can make it filled with a bunch of mini hazards, like hot leather seats, gear shifts that are uncomfortably hot to touch, scalding seatbelt buckles, among others. If you are finding ways on how to keep your car cool, you came to the right blog!

Keep in mind that hot Used Car Dealership in Stafford interiors are not just merely uncomfortable but also pose some risks, especially for parents that occasionally locked out their kids or pets alone in a hot car. And so, it is essential to be aware of these things to avoid unforeseen circumstances. Airport Auto Sales Used Car Dealership in Stafford, Virginia has eight tips to ease your problem with a sweltering used car interior.

  1. Park smart

Park your used car in a shady area or whenever possible. Especially on a day that it is unbearably hot, finding some relief from the heat on a shade will make your used car much more comfortable and keep your vehicle cool. If you can’t see any garage or you are going to be somewhere for an extended period, you can park beneath some trees or in the building shade to keep your car cool. You will be happy to enter a not-so-hot car when you return from your day out!

  1. Use a windshield sunshade

Using a windshield is also helpful in keeping your used car temperature down by blocking the primary entry point for the sun. If you can, Airport Auto Sales Used Car Dealership in Stafford, Virginia suggests you upgrade into a high-quality sun windshield with better heat-absorbing materials. It makes it more effective in reducing thermal and ultraviolet rays into your used car’s interior.

  1. Use a dash cover

A dash cover—whether fabric or upholstered can also be useful in making your used car’s interior more comfortable. Used car dealership recommends you to use dash cover to protect them from sensitive vinyl from sun damage that can cause cracking or fading.

  1. Hand towel to cover your steering wheel

Used car dealership says that in order to reduce heat from your car’s interior, it is essential to put a small towel on your steering wheel, even if you use a sunshade. It helps you to keep the contact temperature of your steering wheel down.

  1. Park in the garage

When you are at home, always park your used car in the garage. This way, it will be out of direct sunlight and will have the benefit of non-constant shade. When you enter your vehicle, you will be happy to enter a hot interior.

  1. Keep windows slightly open

It is ideal to slightly open your car windows, especially when you park them. Bear in mind that when you open your window, check if you can’t fit your arm through the opening of your window. With an open window, it can promote ventilation and help keep your car cool.

  1. A solar-panel fan can be a great option

Most used car dealership also recommends car owners to purchase a solar-powered fan to make you feel downright pleasant, especially during a fair day. These fans are useful to lower your used car’s overall temperature by expelling hot air and create constant air circulation.

  1. Put blankets over leathered and vinyl seats  

Vinyl, leather seats, and other similar material can absorb heat when they are exposed directly to the sun and high temperatures. To keep it cool, you can put blankets over them temporarily. When you return to the car, you can remove them or putting them in the trunk. Keeping your seats cool will make your seat comfortably and pleasantly, especially in hot weather.

Need more tips?

For more car trips and tricks, don’t hesitate to visit and check out our blog at Airport Auto Sales Used Car Dealership in Stafford, Virginia.

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