Pros and Cons of a Sunroof in Used Cars in Stafford, VA

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Pros and Cons of a Sunroof in Used Cars in Stafford, VA


Pros and Cons of a Sunroof in Used Cars in Stafford, VA


The biggest request among customers looking for used cars in Stafford, VA is hands down a sunroof. Eyes light up and hands wave in joy like they’ve just walked into Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory when a customer sees one. However; customers ask and use sunroofs at about the same rate that house hunters ask for an “entertaining space” and never use one. (No one actually likes hosting dinner parties. Too many dishes to clean up). There is something whimsical and wild about having a sunroof in a car. They ache for adventurous rides where the weather is warm, yet with a crisp tone that smells of sandalwood and pine. Instead, they often spend most of their lives commuting with gray skies above. So what are the pros and cons of buying a used car in Stafford, VA or on our Buy Here Pay Here lot at Airport Auto Sales? We have compiled both the pros and cons our customers on our Buy Here Pay Here lot tell us about from the time of purchase to further down the road.


The most frequent comment about sunroofs and moonroofs on our Buy Here Pay Here lot at Airport Auto Sales is that they are often forgotten about a few weeks into owning the vehicle.


Only on the rarest of occasions where they happen to look up and rediscover their sunroof do drivers open it. Then it goes forgotten again for months. The second biggest concern is the inevitability of the sunroof breaking. Used cars in Stafford, VA often have specific items in common that frequently break or wear. Sunroofs is one of the most common. Anywhere from a simple leak due to a jammed weather strip to glass that has moved off its track, a problem is often bound to occur at least once in a used car’s lifetime. If the repair is not a simple cleaning or pushing of glass back into a track, the cost can often get higher than many customers are willing to pay.

Another risk of sunroofs in used cars in Stafford, VA is the possibility of weather or wildlife coming in. Especially in Virginia, the weather can change in an instant from warm and sunny, to a torrential downpour. The obvious risk is leaving the window open for rain to ruin your interior. The less obvious (also far more unlikely) risk is the potential for wildlife to come into the car. Claims of hawks, eagles, and even owls coming in through sunroofs have occured. They are extremely rare. But a trapped hawk or owl in your vehicle is terrifying to contemplate. Despite the risk of letting wildlife in, many buyers look forward to letting (a safe amount of nature) into their vehicle. The majority of customers on our Buy Here Pay Here lot look forward to letting in some sun and rays into their vehicle.


The sunroof is usually all about the wow factor with customers. Aesthetically, they just look cool. Like the cool kid in high school, we aren’t exactly sure what makes them so attractive, but we are obsessed. Many customers claim that they make them feel less claustrophobic on the interior. The sunroof may actually help passengers who suffer from motion sickness as feeling the wind often helps them cope with the motion of the vehicle. While the retractable window may cause some headroom loss, it is more than made up for by the option to open the window up. Letting the breeze and sun rays in allows many drivers to feel less trapped. Healthy doses of Vitamin D from sun rays might boost their mood on commuting days. One of our favorite times to use sunroofs on our Buy Here Pay Here lot at Airport Auto Sales is actually at night. There is nothing more magical than being able to look up at the stars on a curvy back road.

Two massive positives to sunroofs is that they are far more inexpensive and far safer than a convertible. Most convertible tops have to be replaced after a few years. Convertible designs also often have a higher sale price. Probably the most obvious positive; though, is that they are far more safe than a convertible. With the roof frame remaining intact, rollover crashes are less of a concern. Another reason sunroofs are more convenient and practical than convertibles is that they can be opened and closed while moving at high speeds all with the touch of a single button. No pulling over to roll the top up or down. No risk of being pelted with rain while you find a place to pull over. Just close and keep rolling! Weighing these pros and cons of owning a used car in Stafford, VA will help you decide if a sunroof is a must or must not!

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