Top 4 Features That Your Car Can Do Without in Stafford

When buying a used car, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to stick to your budget so that you do not end up overspending. In order to do that, it is essential to consider the features you need in your car and those you can probably do without. Here are the top 4 features that your car does not need!

  1. GPS Navigation

If you need to navigate and reach a particular destination, you can always use your smartphone. Hence, you do not really need your car to be equipped with a dedicated GPS system to reach somewhere. A factory-installed navigation system in your car can cost anywhere between $500 to $4000. That’s pretty steep and something you can easily replace with Google Maps!

  1. Night Vision

Night Vision allows drivers to see the roads ahead at night in greater detail. This is another useless feature because as long as your headlights are on, you do not need extra lighting to illuminate the roads ahead of you. This is a high-tech, expensive feature that you do not necessarily need.

  1. Cigarette Lighter

People rarely smoke in cars these days. And even if you do, you can easily substitute a cigarette lighter for a manual one in order to avoid the extra expense.

  1. Spare Tire

Most cars today come with tire pressure monitoring systems. This means that you will be informed well in advance so that you can fix the tire in your car. Plus, there are many roadside assistance programs today to help you out in case of a flat tire. A spare tire is a useless feature that adds to the weight of the vehicle and does nothing for the fuel economy.


These are some pretty useless features that you can do without and must not consider if they come with a price hike. If you are looking to buy affordable used cars from a trusted dealership, get in touch with Airport Auto Sales! Visit for more details!

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